Wednesday, 4 January 2017

2016 - Patchbirding - The Full Systematic List

Mute Swan Cygnus olor
Common resident and local migrant.
Rarely seen away from Frodsham Score/Ince Marshes. Occasional birds seen on Carr Lane Pools with a maximum of 3 birds (2 x adult and 1 x juvenile) in November.
Bewick's Swan Cygnus columbianus
Scarce passage migrant and winter visitor. 2 records involving 7 birds:
A flock of 7 birds flew onto Ince Marshes on 20/01, and remained present for 3 days with the Whooper and Mute Swan herd.
Whooper Swan Cygnus Cygnus
Regular passage migrant and winter visitor.
A small herd of up to c.18 birds were regularly seen on Frodsham Score/Ince Marshes throughout January to March. A migrant flock of 15 flew in from the west and landed on the Mersey on 13/03. The first returning birds were seen on 21/11 with a group of 9 birds on Ince Marshes.
Pink-footed Goose Anser brachyrhynchus          
Regular passage migrant and winter visitor.
2016 was a good year for Pink-footed Goose on patch with regular small groups seen feeding on winter wheat/ploughed fields. Unsurprisingly the best numbers were seen throughout mid-late October/early November when the majority of birds are migrating.            
White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons   
Rare winter visitor.
12 flew south over Church Lane towards Frodsham Score on 08/10. Unfortunately it was not possible to assign to specific race from the views obtained.  
Greylag Goose  Anser anser       
A small feral population that breeds on Frodsham, but infrequent on Hale side of the Mersey.
Regularly seen on Frodsham Score/Ince Marshes. Small numbers seen in the Canada Goose flocks on Hale Marsh and Carr Lane Pools throughout the year, with a maxima of 6 birds seen throughout March.
Canada Goose Branta canadensis           
Very common breeder seen throughout the year.
The Canada Goose population continues to increase unabated. Post breeding flocks of c.3000 birds on the Mersey, feeding on both Hale Marsh/Frodsham Score/Ince Marshes.                     
Barnacle Goose Branta leucopsis             
Rare winter visitor including feral birds.
The majority of records this year were of single birds mixed in with the Canada and Pink-footed Goose flocks. 2 birds seen roosting on the Mersey was the highest count on 05/09.
Brent Goose Branta bernicla     
Very scarce to rare winter visitor.
A single Dark-bellied (Branta bernicla bernicla) seen on Frodsham Score on 12/03/2016. A single Pale-bellied (Branta bernicla hrota) seen on Hale Marsh on 09/10.    
Egyptian Goose Alopochen aegyptiaca  
Rare feral visitor.
At least 4 birds (5 had been seen on Frodsham Score earlier in the week) picked up in the Canada flock on Frodsham Score on 20/01. A single (although possibly 2 in late June) turned up at Carr Lane Pools on 10/06 and stayed throughout the remainder of 2016 moving widely across the patch.        
Shelduck Tadorna tadorna        
Common breeder, passage migrant and winter visitor.
At least one pair raised 5 young on Carr Lane Pools, whilst a minimum of 3 birds raised 7 young on Hale Marsh. Winter flocks have exceeded c.250 birds at times on the Mersey, with large roosts on Hale Marsh during high tides.                               
Mandarin Duck Aix galericulata
Rare feral visitor.
Single male with Mallards on Hale Shore west of the Lighthouse on 06/02, presumably refers to the bird originally found in November 2015.           
Wigeon Anas penelope
Common winter visitor, occasional in summer.
Small numbers winter on Carr Lane Pools and Hale Marsh, with the majority of larger congregations being seen on the Mersey from Hale Lighthouse on Frodsham Score/Ince Marshes.                    
Gadwall Anas strepera 
Fairly common winter visitor, may breed with increasing numbers summering.
At least one pair attempted to breed on Carr Lane Pools, but eggs believed to have been predated. Numbers during spring and early summer appear to be increasing, with gatherings of up to c.40 birds on Hale Marsh at the end of Within Way during late March and April.
Eurasian Teal Anas crecca
Common winter visitor.
Large numbers winter across the patch, with Carr Lane Pools maintaining a wintering flock often holding flocks of between c.150-300 birds.                                                            
Green-winged Teal Anas carolinensis   
A single male found on Carr Lane Pools from Town Lane on 07/06. Seen on multiple dates throughout June and early July. Last seen on 12/07 when in heavy moult (and may potentially have been overlooked thereafter).
Mallard Anas platyrhynchos                                                      
Common throughout the year with small breeding population.
At least 3 pairs bred on Carr Lane Pools with at least 2 pairs raising 2-3 broods. The flock on Hale Shore continues to increase with up to c.200 birds now present. These flocks are often worth scanning due to their propensity to attract scarcer waterfowl.
Pintail Anas acuta          
Regular winter visitor, but populations in severe decline.
Occasionally seen on Carr Lane Pools and the flooded field on Carr Lane. Smaller numbers seen on the Mersey from Hale Lighthouse, with the majority feeding on Frodsham Score/Ince Marshes.  
Garganey Anas querquedula     
Scarce passage migrant and summer visitor.
2016 was a poor year for this species, although this may be due to the lack of available feeding areas in late spring. A surprisingly late 1st record of the year of a female on the flooded field on Carr Lane on 21/05. Up to four birds (2 x males, 1 x female and a juvenile) were seen from 12/07 into late August across Carr Lane Pools.
Shoveler Anas clypeata                                                               
Fairly common winter visitor and occasional breeder.
One pair raised 7 young on Carr Lane Pools. Peak counts in late summer with c.40 present on Carr Lane Pools and the flood on Town Lane.
Pochard Aythya ferina  
Scarce winter visitor (although a more common winter visitor to the Weaver Bend in small numbers). 2 records involving 3 birds:
Pair flew east past Hale Lighthouse 06/02. Male located in Mallard flock east of Lighthouse on 24/10.
Tufted Duck Aythya fuligula      
Occasional breeder and relatively common summer migrant.
First record of the year on 16/01 on Ramsbrook, Carr Lane. Numbers peaked in July with up to 26 birds spread across the patch. 1 pair hatched 7 young, but were believed to have been predated.   
Common Scoter Melanitta nigra              
Rare migrant. 2 records involving 2 birds:
Female on incoming tide off Hale Lighthouse on 10/02. 1cy/female flew east upriver and landed off Hale Lighthouse 14/05.  
Goldeneye Bucephala clangula
Scarce winter visitor (although a relatively common winter visitor to the Weaver Bend in small numbers). 2 records involving 4 birds:
Single male flew east past Hale Shore on 04/03. Three (male and 2 x female) on Mersey off Lighthouse 08/04.   
Red-breasted Merganser Mergus serrator          
Scarce winter visitor. 2 records involving 3 birds:
Single male on Mersey from Hale Shore on 30/01. Pair (male and female) on Mersey from Hale Lighthouse on 10/02.               
Goosander Mergus merganser 
Scarce passage migrant. 3 records involving 4 birds:
Pair (male and female) flew east over Runcorn bridge whilst watching Starling murmerations on 22/02. Female east past Lighthouse 12/03. Female flew east past Pickerings Pasture on 27/12.
Quail Coturnix coturnix
Very rare summer visitor and former breeder. 6 records involving 3 birds:
First singing male heard on Within Way on 15/05, with numbers increasing up to 3 singing males on 28/05. Heard on multiple dates with the last singing male heard on 04/06.             
Red-legged Partridge Alectoris rufa
Introduced for shooting in small numbers. Only 1 record in 2016:
Single calling from fields behind Carr Lane Pools 13/02.  
Grey Partridge Perdix perdix                                                      
Common breeder.
Another good year for a nationally declining species. Coveys of up to c.40 birds can regularly be seen on the fields around Hale Head/Hale Shore, with smaller coveys of c.20 birds around Carr Lane/Burnt Mill Farm.
Pheasant Phasianus colchicus                                                   
Common, also introduced for shooting.
Common bird seen across the patch, with large roosts around the various copses on Carr Lane, Within Way and Hale Head.
Northern Gannet Morus bassanus         
Very rare occasional visitor. 1 record of single bird:
A sub-adult bird flying west mid channel from Hale Shore on 18/10 during strong north-westerlies.
Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo
Common breeder.
The breeding population of tree-nesting carbo at Hale Decoy continues to impress, with c.120 active nests counted during 2016. Hale Decoy also serves as the main roosting site for many of the local birds, with a maximum count of c.340 during August.                                                      
Shag Phalacrocorax aristotelis  
Rare irregular visitor. 1 record of 1 bird:
A single 1st winter was seen under Runcorn Bridge from Pickerings Pasture on 16/01, relating to one of the wintering birds from December 2015.        
Eurasian Bittern Botaurus stellaris          
Very rare winter visitor. 1 record of 1 bird:
A single flew into flooded field/reedbed along Carr Lane on 11/03. This relates to only the 3rd record of this species in 30 years. Surprisingly a further bird was noted by Rob and Carol Cockbain in early December at the back of Carr Lane Pools, and had been seen on further occasions by the local farmers on Hale Marsh.        
Little Egret Egretta garzetta
Formerly rare, now common in small numbers.
It is surely only a matter of time before this species breeds on Hale Decoy. Regularly seen on Hale Marsh, Carr Lane Pools and from Hale Lighthouse, with maximum daytime counts of 19 birds. Hale Decoy is regularly used as a roosting site, with up to 18 birds roosting.
Great White Egret Ardea alba  
Formerly rare, now common in small numbers.
As with Little Egret, it is surely only a matter of time before this species breeds either within the Hale boundaries or across the Mersey at Frodsham. The majority of records from the Hale side of the Mersey are of between 1 and 3 birds feeding on Hale Marsh or roosting on Hale Decoy. Up to 4-5 birds can regularly be seen from Hale Lighthouse scanning Frodsham Score/Ince Marshes.
Grey Heron Ardea cinerea                                                          
Fairly common resident and migrant, with small breeding population.
The breeding population on Hale Decoy appears to have suffered from the increase in tree-nesting Great Cormorant, with only 2-3 active nests in 2016. Additionally there were concerning reports of at least 3 birds having been shot.
Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus  
Very rare vagrant. 3 records involving 1-3 birds.
A single found feeding in the cow field between Carr Lane and Carr Lane Pools on 24/04. A single flew east over Carr Lane on 02/05 (presumed same?). Single on the flooded field on Carr Lane on 24/07 and 25/07 (presumed same as wandering bird seen at a number of sites in Merseyside, Lancashire and Cheshire).
Eurasian Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia 
Rare migrant. 2 records of 2 birds:
A juvenile (not specifically aged) flew into Hale Decoy viewed from Town Lane on 10/06. A 1st summer flew into Hale Decoy viewed from Town Lane on 05/08.            
Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis         
Relatively common resident and possible breeder.
Between 1-4 pairs on patch this year, although breeding not confirmed at any of the locations. Small numbers on the Mersey congregate either at the Weaver Sluice or Ditton Brook during the winter months, otherwise a difficult bird to see during the breeding season.        
Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus               
Passage migrant and common winter visitor.
Small numbers regularly seen along the Mersey from Ditton Brook to Hale Lighthouse, with a maximum count of 12 birds during March.
European Honey-buzzard Pernis apivorus
Very rare passage migrant. 1 record of 1 bird:
A single pale morph flew north-east over the Mersey from Frodsham and continued north-west over Hale Park on 04/05. It or another was reported c.2 hours later in Rimrose Valley in north Liverpool.
Red Kite Milvus milvus 
Scarce migrant. 2 records of 2 birds:
A single drifted east over Runcorn Hill viewed from Within Way on 20/03. A single over Carr Lane drifting south-east towards Runcorn on 30/04.
Western Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus        
Relatively common migrant and winter visitor (and rare breeder at Frodsham Marsh).
Between 1-3 birds regularly seen viewing across Frodsham Marsh. During late spring/summer birds often feed on Hale Marsh and surrounding areas, all presumably relating to hunting birds from Frodsham Marsh. Birds seen on the 05/04/, 16/04 and 19/04 were all moving high through Hale and may relate to migrant birds.       
Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus        
Very uncommon winter visitor. 1 record of 1 bird:
2016 was a very poor year, with only a single ringtail over Lighthouse Lane towards Hale Marsh on 20/01. Additionally there were no records within the second winter period.              
Eurasian Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus
Common resident, migrant and presumed breeder.
Breeding unconfirmed but presumed to have occurred in at least 2 separate sites within the patch boundaries.                
Common Buzzard Buteo buteo
Common breeding resident and migrant.
A very common sight on patch and appears to be going from strength to strength. Of interest there are currently two very pale individuals (an adult and a 2CY) that on first impressions look very convincing for Rough-legged Buzzard (beware!).
Western Osprey Pandion haliaetus        
Very scarce summer migrant. 4 records of 4 birds.
Single flew north-west over Church Lane on 05/04. A single west over the Weaver Sluice on 19/04. A single flew east over Town Lane on 08/06 and finally a single flew east over Runcorn Hill on 20/09.
Common Kestrel Falco tinnunculus                                                        
Common resident and passage migrant.
Unconfirmed breeding on patch this year, but with at least 2-3 new juveniles around in late autumn it is a fairly good chance that these are local birds.
Merlin Falco columbarius
Scarce passage migrant and winter visitor.
2016 was a great year for this species on patch with birds regularly seen feeding throughout the recording area. Specifically counting the number of individuals seen was difficult, but at least 3 birds were present throughout the first winter period, increasing to 4 in early April. The first returning bird was seen in mid-September and numbers continued to increase with up to 4 different birds being present by the end of December.          
Eurasian Hobby Falco subbuteo
Another excellent year for this small falcon. The first returning bird was noted chasing hirundines along Carr Lane on 22/04/2016. At least 3 separate birds (min 2 x ad, 1 x 2cy) summered around Carr Lane Pools and Great Boar Wood, with a juvenile being present from mid-July.
Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus                                                          
Regular passage migrant and resident.
Birds regularly hunt and roost across Hale Marsh, with the front edge of Hale Decoy (from Town Lane) being a favoured spot. A minimum of 2-3 birds roost on the Runcorn Bridge, viewable from Pickerings Pasture, whilst 2-3 birds use the blue-topped chimney on Weston Point.
Water Rail Rallus aquaticus                                                       
Scarce winter visitor.
Small numbers heard and occasionally seen during the first winter period around Carr Lane and Hale Shore, with singles heard singing along Carr Lane during suitable breeding months. The second winter period saw a big increase in birds with at least 12 present at the end of November around Carr Lane/Carr Lane Pools, in addition to 5+ birds along Hale Shore during the same period.
Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus                                                
Common breeding resident and winter visitor.
The increase in suitable habitat due to the flooding of the field along Carr Lane has seen a big increase in breeding birds. Late summer counts increased to a minimum of 25+ birds on occasion.
Coot Fulica atra                                                               
Common breeding resident and winter visitor.
As with Common Moorhen, the increase in suitable habitat has seen the population increase drastically. Small numbers still breed on both Carr Lane Pools and Hale Decoy.
Pied Avocet Recurvirostra avosetta       
Scarce winter visitor and passage migrant (previously bred on Frodsham Marsh).
Small numbers seen on the Mersey from early March, mainly in the area around the Weaver Sluice. Numbers increased up to a maximum of 17 birds on 08/04. 4 Avocet appeared on Carr Lane Pools on 29/03 and increased to 13 birds by late April. 3 separate pairs managed to lay eggs, but all were predated by a Herring Gull on the same date and sadly no further nesting attempts were made.         
Eurasian Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus                                                              
Common winter visitor.
Numbers have remained fairly stable for the last few years with c.150-200 birds wintering around the Pickerings Pasture/Hale Shore area.
European Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria        
Common passage migrant and winter visitor.
Large numbers are often present during low tides opposite Pickerings Pasture with counts peaking in mid-December of c.1200 birds. For a surprisingly common winter visitor they are rarely seen away from the Mersey, with only occasional records during late summer/early autumn on Carr Lane Pools.
Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola                                                              
Common passage migrant and winter visitor.
Small numbers winter on the Mersey, and within the recording area are easiest to see along Hale Shore (often to the west of the Lighthouse).
Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus                                                      
Common passage migrant and winter visitor, scarce breeder.
At least 3 pairs successfully raised 4-5 young at Carr Lane Pools.
Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius 
Scarce summer migrant, breeds in small numbers.
The first returning bird of the year was on Hale Marsh on 25/03. Favoured breeding spots in previous years were too dry in 2016, and presumed breeding took place in a new location on Hale Marsh. A maximum count of 6 birds at Town Lane on 28/08, was low in comparison to previous years.
Common Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula                                                     
Common migrant and winter visitor.
Passage numbers in 2016 were very impressive, with counts in spring and autumn frequently exceeding c.400 birds.
Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus               
Scarce passage migrant.
The first (presumed) returning bird was noted on Hale Marsh on 25/03, with small numbers regularly recorded from Hale Marsh and Hale Shore. 2 birds present on Carr Lane Pools on 30/04 were noteworthy as my first record actually on the Pools.                    
Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata                                                       
Common passage migrant and winter visitor.
Some impressive numbers on the patch despite the national population being in severe decline. Winter roosts on no mans land (opposite Pickerings Pasture) often reach in excess of c.150-200 birds.
Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa                                                         
Common passage migrant and winter visitor.
Carr Lane Pools is becoming an internationally important site for passage Black-tailed Godwit, with returning flocks in excess of c.1300 birds at times. A number of new colour ringed birds were recorded this year with birds originally ringed in Portugal, France, Iceland and Ireland.
Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica      
Scarce passage migrant and winter visitor.
Small numbers seen in the first winter period on Hale Shore and from Pickerings Pasture. A moderate spring passage held a maximum of 5 birds on a couple of dates in April. Only a single bird recorded on Carr Lane Pools this year on 16/07.
Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres                                                      
Scarce passage migrant and winter visitor.
Small numbers roost on Hale Marsh on high tides, whilst the area of rocks at the bottom of Within Way and Hale Lighthouse are good sites for wintering birds. Good numbers on autumn passage at Hale Lighthouse, but otherwise a poor second winter period. No birds recorded on Carr Lane Pools this year.
Red Knot Calidris canutus
Fairly common passage migrant and winter visitor.
Small numbers regularly seen on the Mersey throughout both winter periods. Small numbers appeared on passage at both Pickerings Pasture and Hale Lighthouse. Only a single record on Carr Lane Pools of a partial summer plumaged bird on 30/07.                              
Ruff Calidris pugnax      
Fairly common passage migrant and occasional winter visitor.
A couple of birds in the first winter period included one on Carr Lane Pools on 20/01, Hale Marsh on 14/02. However passage was extremely strong this year with good numbers present across Carr Lane Pools and particularly the flooded fields along Town Lane. A peak count of at least 31 birds on 16/09.
Broad-billed Sandpiper Calidris falcinellus           
Very rare passage migrant. 1 record of 1 bird:
Single found by Ian Igglesden with a mixed group of Dunlin and Ringed Plover east of Hale Lighthouse on the evening of 12/05.            
Curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea    
Scarce passage migrant, occasional in winter.
The first bird of the year found on Hale Shore on 12/05. A very good return passage of birds from late August (in line with the rest of the UK) included a maximum count of 39 on 29/08 at Hale Lighthouse. A late winter record involved a bird in the high tide roost at Pickerings Pasture (Hale Marsh) on 17/12.  
Temminck's Stint Calidris temminckii     
Rare passage migrant. 1 record of 1 bird.
Single on Carr Lane Pools viewed from Town Lane gate on 09/05.
Sanderling Calidris alba
Scarce passage migrant and winter visitor.
The first record of the year was a near summer-plumaged bird by Hale Lighthouse on 17/4. Spring passage was moderate with decent numbers by Hale Lighthouse and along Hale Shore, with a maximum of 15 on 12/5. A smaller return migration with regular birds again by the Lighthouse and Hale Shore with a maximum of 16 on 12/08.       
Dunlin Calidris alpina                                                    
Common passage migrant and winter visitor.
Some impressive counts in both winter periods with upwards of c.4000 in the first winter period and over c.5000 in the second winter period. The majority roost on no mans land during “lower” high tides, but on big high tides can often be pushed onto Hale Marsh providing excellent opportunities to study them in more detail.
Little Stint Calidris minuta          
Fairly common passage migrant, occasional in winter.
A relatively poor spring passage with singles on Carr Lane Pools on 29/04 and 09/05. Return passage a lot more productive with birds moving from late August, with a maximum of 9 birds at Hale Lighthouse on 26/08. Late records involved at least 4 birds at Pickerings Pasture on 19/11 and a single roosting on Hale Marsh on 17/12.     
Pectoral Sandpiper Calidris melanotos  
Rare migrant. 1 record of 1 bird:
A single juvenile found on Hale Marsh feeding in front of Hale Decoy, viewed from Town Lane on 01/10.             
Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos 
Fairly common passage migrant, and occasional in winter.
A wintering pair were around Hale Marsh and Within Way throughout January to March. The first probably migrant bird appeared on Carr Lane Pools on 19/04. Spring passage was fairly poor, but return passage more productive with a maximum of 12 at Pickerings Pasture on 13/07. At least 3 look to be set to winter into 2017 around Ditton Brook and Pickerings Pasture.
Green Sandpiper Tringa ochropus          
Regular passage migrant and winter visitor.
No birds were identified during the first winter period, with the first bird appearing on 18/03. The majority of sightings were of single birds at the flooded field on Carr Lane, Carr Lane Pools and Town Lane.
Spotted Redshank Tringa erythropus    
Scarce passage migrant, and occasional winter visitor.
A very poor year with a single record of a partial summer-plumaged bird flushed from end of Within Way on 19/04.               
Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia
Fairly scarce passage migrant, and occasional winter visitor.
A poor year with only 4 records, all involving single birds. The first of the year appearing on Hale Marsh on 04/05, with further birds at Town Lane on 12/5 and Pickerings Pasture on 4/6 and 13/7.
Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola             
Scarce passage migrant.
A very good year for this species, with birds often showing very well. The first bird of the year turned up at Carr Lane Pools on 04/05. Further records were made all from Carr Lane or Town Lane on Carr Lane 6/7, 16/7, 3/8, 21/8 (2 birds), 23/8 (2 birds), 28/8, 6/9, 15/9 and 16/9.   
Common Redshank Tringa totanus                                                        
Common passage migrant, winter visitor and occasional breeder.
At least 2 pairs held territory on Carr Lane Pools, with further birds on Hale Marsh. It is not clear whether any young were raised, however recently fledged birds were noted at Pickerings Pasture which may have originated from some of these pairs.
Jack Snipe Lymnocryptes minimus          
Very scarce winter visitor.
An average first winter period with singles at Carr Lane on 01/01, Hale Shore on 30/01 ad 10/02 and Hale Marsh on 27/02 (4 birds). The final record was of a single flushed from the weedy area at the end of Within Way on 30/03. Although not recorded in the second winter period, no real attempts were made to search in suitable habitat. 
Eurasian Woodcock Scolopax rusticola 
Scarce winter visitor.
A poor first winter period (possibly due to the lack of cold weather) resulted in only one record of 2 sat on Carr Lane pre-dawn on 16/01. Cold weather during late November presumably prompted a small influx of birds to the patch with 2 at Pickerings Pasture on 26/11 and then between 1-2 birds seen on a number of occasions through December at dusk, flying out of Great Boar Wood to feed on Carr Lane Pools.
Common Snipe Gallinago gallinago                                                       
Common passage migrant and winter visitor.
The new habitat created by the flooding of the field along Carr Lane has clearly benefited this species with some impressive counts in the second winter period. Counts in excess of 35-40 birds are regular, with a maximum count of 55 on 24/12.
Common Guillemot Uria aalge
Very rare migrant. 1 record of 1 bird:
A single was feeding in the mid-channel of the Mersey off Hale Park on 11/10. Unlike previous records this bird appeared well, and was actively feeding.             
Little Tern Sternula albifrons     
Very rare migrant. 1 record of 2 birds:
Two adults flew east (towards the Runcorn Bridge) past the hide at Pickerings Pasture on 07/06.              
Black Tern Chlidonias niger         
Rare and irregular passage migrant. 1 record of 1 bird:
A single adult summer flew west past Hale Lighthouse on 30/07.              
Sandwich Tern Sterna sandvicensis        
Rare migrant. 2 records involving 2 birds:
A single juv/1st year bird feeding towards Garston on 11/07 (having seen 7 fly south past Otterspool c.1 hour earlier). Single adult flew south-east over the bridge on Town Lane on 12/07.    
Common Tern Sterna hirundo   
Scarce passage migrant, and occasional in summer. 2 records involving 5 birds:
Two watched feeding off John Lennon Airport Tower on 14/5. Three flew west past Hale Lighthouse on 08/06. 
Arctic Tern Sterna paradisaea   
Rare passage migrant. 3 records involving 45 birds:
43 flew east past Hale Lighthouse towards Runcorn Bridge late in the evening on 12/5.  Further singles flew east past Within Way on, and west past Hale Lighthouse on 06/07.             
Black-legged Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla
Scarce passage migrant and winter visitor.
A poor year with only a single adult being blown west along the Mersey viewed from the hide at Pickerings Pasture on 11/4.              
Black-headed Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus                                                
Common passage migrant and winter visitor.
An interesting leucistic Black-headed Gull (with entirely white upper and underparts, other than a pale brown hood) was seen on a number of occasions during the first winter period and reappeared in a high tide roost at Pickerings Pasture on 07/06.
Little Gull Hydrocoloeus minutus
Scarce passage migrant, occasional in winter.
A poor year with only 2 birds (1st and 2nd summer) seen, both within the high tide roost on Hale Marsh (viewed from Pickerings hide) on 05/07.           
Mediterranean Gull Larus melanocephalus        
Scarce passage migrant and winter visitor.
A relatively poor year with the majority of records involving single birds. A maximum count of 5 on the Mersey from Pickerings Pasture on 30/01. Of note were up to three adults following the tractor ploughing fields on Carr Lane on 25/10.                  
Common Gull Larus canus                                                          
Common passage migrant and winter visitor.
Upwards of c.15,000 Common Gull regularly roost along the Mersey estuary, with thousands of other gulls.
Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus                                                  
Common resident, passage migrant and breeder.
Numbers of wintering birds appear to be increasing with numbers in excess of c10-15,000 roosting in the Mersey estuary from the Weaver sluice to Garston.
Herring Gull Larus argentatus                                                  
Common resident, passage migrant and local breeder.
The majority of the estimated c.30,000 wintering birds appear to be of the European (argenteus) race, with only small numbers of Scandinavian (argentatus).
Yellow-legged Gull Larus michahellis                                                    
Scarce passage migrant and winter visitor.
Small numbers are generally to be found along the Mersey from Pickerings Pasture to Hale Lighthouse during winter, with a maximum count of 5 on 27/02 from Hale Lighthouse. Surprisingly absent during the summer months this year, with a single 1st summer on 10/07 the only record.
Caspian Gull Larus cachinnans 
Rare winter visitor. 1 record of 1 bird:
A single 1st winter flew west past Hale Lighthouse on 12/03. Given the regular reports from Richmond Bank it is surprising that this is the first patch record.         
Iceland Gull Larus glaucoides    
Rare winter visitor.
An outstanding first winter period with up to 7-8 different birds seen. Adult/3rd winter flew West over Within Way on 26/2. Hale Shore was most productive with 2x adults and 2x 3rd winter on 27/02, 1st winter on 29/02, 2x adult on 04/03, 3x adult on 08/03, 3rd winter on 11/03,  2nd winter & 3rd winter on 12/03. Adult & 1st winter on 17/03.         
Glaucous Gull Larus hyperboreus
Rare winter visitor.
A good first winter period with 2x 1st winter flying west past Within Way on 26/02. 1x 1st winter flying west over Hale Lighthouse on 27/02 (same as 26/02 bird). 1x 1st winter flying east over the junction of Carr Lane/Higher Lane on 10/04 and finally a 1st winter over Carr Lane Pools on 17/04.
Great Black-backed Gull Larus marinus                                                
Common resident and occasional breeder.
The wintering population numbers probably between c.500-1000 birds on the Mersey estuary between Pickerings Pasture and Hale Lighthouse.
Rock Dove (Feral Pigeon) Columba livia                                               
Common resident.
Small numbers can always be encountered at Hale Decoy and around the fields along Within Way/Hale Head.
Stock Dove Columba oenas                                                        
Fairly common resident and passage migrant.
Local breeding populations appear to be increasing. The number roosting at Hale Decoy and the copses along Carr Lane have also increased, with minimum counts of c.100 birds on Hale Decoy throughout the year.
Common Woodpigeon Columba palumbus                                                        
Common resident, passage migrant and local breeder.
One of the sights of autumn migration is the southward movement of Woodpigeon through Hale. Maximum day counts in October were well over c.5,500.
Collared Dove Streptopelia decaocto                                                     
Local breeder.
A small population exists in Hale village, with post-breeding groups of up to 30 birds often feeding in the fields around Church Lane.
Turtle Dove Streptopelia turtur
Former common passage migrant, now very rare. 1 record of 1 bird:
A single found in dead trees on the edge of Great Boar Wood (at the back of Carr Lane Pools) viewed from Town Lane on 05/07. 
Ring-necked Parakeet Psittacula krameri            
Localised self-sustaining populations in South Liverpool, has bred.
A single over Hale Park towards Hale village on 30/04. 4 flew over Hale Park towards Church Lane on 24/12.        
Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus          
Scarce summer visitor.
A single flying east over Frodsham Score viewed from Hale Lighthouse on 09/05. A singing bird flew east over Carr Lane by Burnt Mill Farm on 04/06.
Western Barn Owl Tyto alba     
Scarce local breeding resident.
Single roosting in barns at Hale Park seen on 30/01 was the only record in the first winter period. A single flying at the back of the flooded field on Carr Lane on 24/07. The second winter period produced between 1-2 birds regularly being seen along Carr Lane from early December into 2017.
Little Owl Athene noctua
Scarce local breeding resident.
The tree used by the pair to successfully raise young in 2015 was damaged during winter storms, resulting in the birds relocating to a close by copse. Breeding may have occurred, but cannot be confirmed this year. However the main tree was used for roosting during both the first and second winter periods, with birds being seen regularly.                               
Tawny Owl Strix aluco  
Scarce resident.
A poor year with a single calling from the big copse behind the flooded field on Carr Lane on 16/01, and a further single calling from Great Boar Wood on 10/06.   
Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus
Scarce and irregular winter visitor.
A poor first winter period with only a single flushed from Hale Shore on 30/01. Presumed passage birds were seen at Hale Shore by the wooden bridge on 12/05 and Carr Lane Pools on 21/5. First returning bird noted on 19/09 at Hale Marsh. Only one further record in the second winter period at Carr Lane on 27/12.         
Common Swift Apus apus          
Common summer migrant, and localised breeder.
The first birds of the year were noted at Carr Lane Pools on 19/04, with the last record on 20/09 over Hale Decoy.                
Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis                                                           
Fairly common resident and winter visitor.
At least 2 birds regularly seen along Ramsbrook, Carr Lane Pools and Pickerings Pasture. Sadly it has been reported that the female was killed by a Sparrowhawk in early December.
Great Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos major                                                             
Fairly common resident and autumn migrant.
At least 2-3 pairs raised young in Hale Park this year, with multiple juveniles seen in August and September. Possible autumn migration involved birds on 01/10 and 25/10 with high flying birds dropping down into trees before reaching the Mersey.
Eurasian Magpie Pica pica                                                          
Common breeding resident.
A very common species within the recording area with clear evidence of multiple young raised. Flocks can often reach double figures, especially around the copses along Within Way.
Eurasian Jay Garrulus glandarius                                                             
Scarce resident and autumn passage migrant.
Singles often seen around the Carr Lane, Great Boar Wood, Hale Park and Within Way areas of the patch. Autumn migration commenced from early September, with a peak in mid-October when up to c.20 birds were frequently recorded.
Jackdaw Corvus monedula                                                         
Fairly common resident and passage migrant.
A common species seen throughout the patch recording area. Given the numbers involved I would be surprised that breeding has not taken place, though not established. In winter they form part of large corvid flocks with Carrion Crow on Hale Head and Within Way.
Rook Corvus frugilegus                                                
Scarce passage migrant.
Surprisingly, given suitable habitat, no rookeries exist in the patch recording boundaries. As such an exceedingly scarce birds, with single records of birds in autumn corvid movements and views of Rookeries on the Frodsham side of the Mersey.
Carrion Crow Corvus corone                                                      
Common breeding resident.
A very common bird within the patch recording boundaries. Large gatherings of both Carrion Crow and Jackdaw occur on Hale Head and Within Way during winter months.
Raven Corvus corax                                                       
Common semi-resident and winter visitor.
Common on Frodsham Score and Ince Marshes with upwards of 30 to 40 birds, with late summer gatherings nearing 100 birds. Occasional wanderers over to the Hale side of the Mersey, especially in mid-summer when birds feed on the Canada Goose goslings.
Goldcrest Regulus regulus                                                          
Scarce passage migrant, winter visitor and probable breeder.
A common species in the Hale Park area, with an increase in records from other locations during spring and autumn. Peak counts in September and October from Hale Park of over 20 birds, presumably incorporating migrating birds.
Firecrest Regulus ignicapilla       
Rare passage migrant and winter visitor. 3 records of 3 birds:
A single in the tit flock at Pickerings Pasture near Ditton Brook on 10/02. No spring records this year, but two autumn records both in Hale Park on 20/09 and 11/10.   
Blue Tit Cyanistes caeruleus                                                       
Common breeding resident.
Commonly encountered throughout the patch recording area.
Great Tit Parus major                                                   
Common breeding resident.
Commonly encountered throughout the patch recording area.
Coal Tit Periparus ater                                                  
Scarce passage migrant, winter visitor and possible breeder.
Although a fairly common species, it is rarely recorded away from Hale Park and Pickerings Pasture. A favoured spot appears to be the gardens at the junction of Church Lane and Within Way, with up to 5-6 birds regularly feeding in the area. Possible autumn movement of birds in October involved high-flying southward bound birds on two dates.
Skylark Alauda arvensis                                                               
Common passage migrant, winter visitor and breeder.
Despite the national decline of this species, they still maintain a decent sized population across the patch recording area. In winter Hale Head can hold upwards of 70 birds, with many staying to hold territory more widely across the patch. Autumn migration is often muddied by local birds moving early in the morning, but is deemed to be relatively low.
Sand Martin Riparia riparia
Common summer migrant.
The first returning birds (3) were noted flying north-west through Carr Lane Pools on 27/03, with a steady increase of birds throughout April and the early parts of May. During the breeding season numbers unsurprisingly fall given the lack of suitable breeding areas. The last recorded date was a late southbound bird on 08/10 over Church Lane. 
Swallow Hirundo rustica              
Common summer migrant and local breeder.
The first record of the year was of 3 birds over Hale Decoy on 29/03, with a steady build of birds throughout April and May. From mid-July Carr Lane Pools can support upwards of 200 birds feeding around the area. Last recorded on the 10/10 when 1 moved south over Church Lane.  
House Martin Delichon urbicum               
Common summer migrant and local breeder.
The first of the year was at Church Lane on 05/04, with a slower increase in birds throughout the month with a peak in early May. Fortunately still a relatively common breeder in Hale village, with House Martin becoming the commonest hirundines during the breeding season. The last record of the year was a late southbound bird on 08/10.                               
Cetti's Warbler Cettia cetti         
Rare resident.
A single calling male was located on 30/10 in the rushy area on the flooded field along Carr Lane and was present into 2017. Hopefully a female may find its way over and start a more prolonged stay for this species.               
Long-tailed Tit Aegithalos caudatus                                                       
Common breeding resident.
A common species throughout the patch recording area, but especially common at Pickerings Pasture. Breeding suspected from Pickerings Pasture and Hale Park where recently fledged birds seen in late summer.
Yellow-browed Warbler Phylloscopus inornatus             
Very rare migrant. Influx, with a minimum of 9 birds recorded.
The first birds were noted on 03/10 at Pickerings Pasture when 2+, but possibly as many as 3-4 were present in hedge at the back of Pickerings Pasture with mixed Tit/Chiffchaff flock. Two were recorded on 08/10 with a single was by the farm on Within Way 08/10, followed by a single vocal bird by the Childe of Hale statue on Church Lane. Three recorded on 09/10 with a single in Hale Park car park on 09/10, by the old football pitch in Hale Park and by the farm on Within Way. A minimum of 5 birds recorded on 11/10 with 2 by the basketball court in Hale Park, a single by the Childe of Hale statue on Church Lane, a single in the hedgerow at the bottom of Within Way, and a single by Hale Shore west of Hale Lighthouse. A single calling bird was heard by Hale Park car park on 18/10. A further single bird was seen in Hale Park west of Hale Hall on 25/10. A late bird was found along the United Utilities footpath at Pickerings Pasture on 25/11.      
Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita             
Common passage migrant, breeder and occasional wintering.
A wintering bird was seen loosely associating with tit flock from Great Boar Wood, feeding in reeds on 20/01. The first singing bird was noted on 29/03 at Pickerings Pasture, although with numbers of wintering birds locally this may not have been a migrant. The commonest phylloscopus within the patch recording area, with presumed decent breeding numbers. Up to two were wintering at Ditton Brook and a further single by Carr Lane through December and looked set to stay into 2017.
Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus
Common passage migrant and breeder.
The first returning bird was a single by the Town Lane gate viewing area of Carr Lane Pools on 03/04 when a bird was in sub-song. A common species in Hale Park and Pickerings Pasture, with plenty of suspected breeding. An interesting dual-singer (Chiffchaff/Willow Warbler mix) in Hale Park throughout early May and was presumed to be of this species and not Chiffchaff.
Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla                                                            
Fairly common passage migrant, breeder and occasionally winter.
A female was seen on Church Lane on 01/01 feeding on garden feeders. The first “migrant” birds were on territory by early April, with good numbers at Great Boar Wood, Pickerings Pasture and Hale Park. No records of wintering birds in the second winter period.
Garden Warbler Sylvia borin     
Very scarce passage migrant.
A good year for this scarce species with the first of the year seen by the bridge on Carr Lane on 28/04, with a further 2 seen in Hale Park on the same date. A single in Hale Park on 04/08 and Carr Lane on 09/05 were the last records of the spring. A single bird spent the end of August and the majority of September feeding in elder by the Pickerings Pasture scrape hide, and provide a good opportunity to catch up with a difficult patch species.  
Lesser Whitethroat Sylvia curruca          
Fairly uncommon summer migrant.
The first bird of year was rattling by the pond by Burnt Mill Farm, Carr Lane on 17/04. Further singles were on Carr Lane and in Hale Park on 28/04. A single was in Hale Park on 04/05. From the 13/07 until the end of the month, a single was regularly seen at the bottom of Within Way.
Whitethroat Sylvia communis   
Common passage migrant and breeder.
The first singing bird of year was by the bridge on Carr Lane 14/04, with a rapid increase in numbers during the month. A very common breeding bird, and possibly the commonest Sylvia in the patch recording area.
Grasshopper Warbler Locustella naevia               
Scarce passage migrant, has bred.
A very good year, with the first reeling bird of the year in bushes along Ramsbrook on 10/04. At least two birds were reeling and calling in Hale Park from 28/04 to at least 04/05. The last reeling bird of the year was heard from the scrubby land opposite the church on Church Land on 09/05.
 Sedge Warbler Acrocephalus schoenobaenus   
Common passage migrant and breeder.
A rather late “first” singing bird of the year appeared on Carr Lane on 14/04, with numbers building steadily through April. At least 3-4 pairs bred around Carr Lane, with a further 4-5 around Hale Marsh.     
Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus
Common passage migrant and breeder.
As with Sedge Warbler, a rather late “first” date, with a single singing bird on Carr Lane on 22/04, and the second of the year not being heard until 05/05. However at least 5-6 pairs bred along Carr Lane and along Ramsbook at the back of Carr lane Pools.
Nuthatch Sitta europaea
Fairly common resident and breeder.
A common bird in Hale Park, with occasional birds seen in Great Boar Wood and some of the copses along Within Way. At least 2-3 pairs bred this year with between 5-6 fledged young seen in early August. A rather strange record of a single bird in the end copse of Within Way which flew south over the Mersey towards Frodsham (Weaver Sluice) on 29/08, for what would be an exceptional record for the Marsh.
Treecreeper Certhia familiaris
Localised resident and probable breeder.
A common bird in Hale Park, with occasional birds seen around Great Boar Wood. No proven breeding, but at least 5 singing birds were present throughout the first half of the year.
Eurasian Wren Troglodytes troglodytes                                                
Common breeding resident.
A common bird throughout the patch recording area.
Common Starling Sturnus vulgaris
Common winter visitor and scarce local breeder.
Some impressive sized murmerations in the first winter period, with upwards of c.50,000 birds flying from Frodsham Marsh and roosting on the Runcorn Bridge. The second winter has not been as impressive with small murmerations of between 3-4,000 birds.                                                           
Ring Ouzel Turdus torquatus     
Rare passage migrant. 2 records of 2 birds:
A young male (possibly 1st cy?) seen early on by Burnt Mill Farm on 03/04. A male out from direction of Hale Decoy and continued north towards Carr Lane on 14/04.            
Blackbird Turdus merula                                              
Common breeding resident, passage migrant and winter visitor.
A very common bird on patch. Two partial leucistic birds frequented the gardens along Church Lane throughout early April to May, but were not seen subsequently.
Fieldfare Turdus pilaris
Common passage migrant and winter visitor.
Commonly encountered during winter in small parties, with clear peaks around mid-late March and again in late October. A rather late gathering of c.70 were noted on Within Way on 20/03. Peak autumn vizmig occurred on 22/10 when c.220 were counted heading south.                                           
Song Thrush Turdus philomelos                                                
Fairly common breeding resident and winter visitor.
Although still a common patch bird, there appears to have been a slight decline (probably much in line with the National picture) within the patch boundaries. Small numbers migrating south through Hale appear to peak in the first two weeks of October.
Redwing Turdus iliacus                                                 
Common passage migrant and winter visitor.
Although commonly encountered during the winter periods, there are clear peaks around early-mid March and again in late October. During the peak migration upwards it is not unusual to see grounded flocks of up to 2-300 birds. Peak autumn vizmig occurred on 08/10 when c.5880 were counted heading south.
Mistle Thrush Turdus viscivorus               
Common resident and breeder.
A surprisingly common bird with good sized winter flocks in most locations across the patch. Potential breeding of at least 2 pairs in Hale Park, although not specifically looked for or checked for subsequently.                                         
Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata   
Very scarce passage migrant.
A poor year with only two records. A single found actively feeding on the edge of Hale park (by the old football pitch) on 02/05, followed by a single autumn record in Hale Park on 20/09.
European Robin Erithacus rubecula                                                        
Common resident and migrant.
Commonly encountered throughout the patch recording area. Often very territorial (even outside of typical times) and a number of attacks on some of the migrant Redstart, Stonechat and Whinchat witnessed.
Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca        
Rare passage migrant. 1 record of 1 bird:
A poor year in comparison to 2015 with a single female/2nd cy male in sallow by Ramsbrook on Carr Lane on 30/04.               
Common Redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus      
Scarce summer migrant.
A particularly good spring migration with at least 4 birds recorded on 6 occasions. A long-staying male first seen on the edge of Ramsbrook by Carr Lane on 15/04, a female at Hale Park on 28/04, a female on the edge of Ramsbrook by Carr Lane on 30/4, and a female in Hale Park on 04/05. A rather stranged mid-summer record of 2 juvenile birds on Within Way 13/07 to 16/07, was followed by a good return passage with at least 6 birds recorded on 6 occasions. A female by Lighthouse Lane on 14/08, 2 on Within Way on 14/08, a male by Ramsbrook on Carr Lane on 28/08, a female at Pickerings Pasture on 17/09 and the last record of the year on Town Lane on 20/09.   
Whinchat Saxicola rubetra         
Scarce passage migrant.
An indifferent year, with the first record of the year on 19/04 of a male between Carr Lane Pools and the flooded field on Town Lane. Further records followed with a male at Carr Lane Pools on 28/04, 2 at Burnt Mill Farm on 04/05, 1 at Burnt Mill Farm on 05/05 and one on Hale Marsh on 14/5. Autumn passage was poor with a single on Hale Marsh on 12/07, a single on Carr Lane on 12/08 and finally 2 birds along Town Lane on 20/09.    
European Stonechat Saxicola rubicola                   
Fairly common passage migrant and winter visitor.
A poor first winter period with only a single bird noted on Hale Shore on 01/01. The first returning autumn bird was noted on Carr Lane on 28/08, with peak migration hitting in early-mid October with a maximum of 10 on Hale Marsh/Hale Shore on 24/10. At least 3 birds have lingered into December, and 2 appear to be set to stay into 2017.
Northern Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe            
Common passage migrant.
The first records of the year involved two males on Hale Marsh at bottom of Within Way on 25/03, with a clear increase of birds migrating in the first and last week of April, with a peak of 17 birds by Hale Lighthouse on 28/04. A juvenile seen on 10/07 on Lighthouse Lane looked freshly fledged and raised the question of where it had fledged from. Autumn passage was very poor with only 3 birds recorded on 2 dates (28/08 and 17/09).  
Dunnock Prunella modularis
Common resident and migrant.
A common bird found throughout the patch, with some apparent autumn migration. Singles noted flying high south on two occasions in October.                                                     
House Sparrow Passer domesticus         
Common resident and breeder.
Despite the national trend, House Sparrow continues to maintain a strong population within the patch boundaries. There are large roosts in the winter months of up to c.100 birds around the Farm at the top of Within Way, the end of Church Lane and Pickerings Pasture.
Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus             
Scarce passage migrant and occasional winter visitor.
A very poor year outside of autumn migration, with singles at Pickerings Pasture on 30/01, Hale Park on 04/05 and Carr Lane on 03/08. Small groups moving south during October migration on 01/10, 08/10 and 22/10.      
Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava flavissima
Relatively abundant breeding summer visitor and passage migrant.
The first birds (4) of the year was noted at Carr Lane Pools on 03/04, with numbers steadily increasing throughout the month to reach a peak in late April/early May of up to c.30 birds. Up to 7 pairs bred on Within Way this year, although the true number of fledged young was muddied by the appearance of a Channel Wagtail pairing. 
Channel Wagtail (Motacilla flava flavissima x flava)
Scarce summer visitor and passage migrant, localised breeder.
The first returning bird was noted at Carr Lane Pools on 14/04, with regular sightings of up to 3 birds throughout the month and into early May. A “pure”(?!) pair of Channel Wagtail bred on Within Way, raising at least 2 young. After fledging birds dispersed and were seen at a number of different areas within the patch boundary, but peaked with a count of 6 birds on 14/08 by Hale Lighthouse.    
Grey Wagtail Motacilla cinerea                                                
Fairly common passage migrant and winter visitor.
Regularly encountered along Carr Lane and Town Lane around Ramsbrook in both winter periods, with an absence during June and July. First returning birds are on patch from early August, with small numbers observed migrating south during October.
Pied Wagtail Motacilla alba
Common passage migrant and winter visitor, presumably breeds.
A common bird throughout the patch recording area. Notable migration from mid-March, coinciding with increase in movement of White Wagtail (Motacilla alba alba). From late July large gatherings also occur on Hale Marsh (especially from the hide at Pickerings Pasture).
Tree Pipit Anthus trivialis
Rare passage migrant. 1 record of 1 bird:
A poor year with the only bird noted flying east over the end garden on Church Lane on 08/04. 
Meadow Pipit Anthus pratensis                                                               
Common breeder, passage migrant and winter visitor.
A commonly encountered bird on patch with plenty of birds on territory on Hale Marsh this year. Peak migration through the patch recording area is generally early-mid April and again in mid-September to late October. The wintering numbers on Carr Lane Pools appear to be fluctuating in the second winter period with some flocks including up to 50+ birds.
Rock Pipit Anthus petrosus        
Scarce passage migrant and winter visitor.
Commonly encountered throughout the winter months along Hale Shore, mainly in the section between Within Way and just west of Hale Lighthouse. All birds that were seen well enough were of the race littioralis.                          
Water Pipit Anthus spinoletta  
Rare passage migrant and winter visitor.
A single seen at Carr Lane Pools on 01/01 was presumably the lingering bird from December 2015, heard on three occasions. The second winter period saw a massive influx of birds to the Carr Lane/Town Lane areas with at least 2 birds from 13/11, increasing to a minimum of 5 birds throughout December and into 2017.          
Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs                                                          
Common breeding resident, passage migrant and winter visitor.
A common bird recorded throughout the patch recording area. Autumn migration was fairly impressive throughout October with some decent sized three figure counts.
Brambling Fringilla montifringilla
Scarce passage migrant and winter visitor.
A poor first winter period with the only apparent wintering birds located on 20/01 in the edge of Great Boar Wood, Carr Lane. Likely spring passage involved birds at Hale lighthouse on 13/03 and Within Way on 03/04 and 09/04. There was a moderate autumn passage with birds moving from early October in small numbers on most days. The only apparent winter record involved an unknown number (but likely 2+) at Great Boar Wood on 18/12.        
Greenfinch Chloris chloris                                                           
Relatively common resident, breeder and passage migrant.
2016 appeared to be a relatively successful breeding season (unlike other finches) with good numbers feeding along the gardens of Church Lane, and numerous young birds encountered. Some small post-breeding dispersal flocks gathered at the top of Within Way from mid-June.
Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis                                                    
Relatively common resident, breeder and passage migrant.
An average breeding season, but with reduced post-breeding dispersal. Good sized flocks were seen from the end of July to early September along Hale Shore from Within Way to Hale Lighthouse, with estimated flock sizes up to c.150 birds.
Siskin Carduelis spinus
Fairly scarce passage migrant and winter visitor.
Similar to Lesser Redpoll, with poor wintering numbers in both the first and second winter period. Spring migration was average with a peak of 17 birds along Within Way on 03/04. Autumn migration saw small number moving from the end of September through to early November.
Linnet Carduelis cannabina                                                        
Fairly common passage migrant and winter visitor, and probable breeder.
Some impressive wintering flocks included at least c.300 birds by Hale Lighthouse throughout January and February. Post-breeding dispersal was not as impressive as 2015 with average sized flocks around Within Way and Town Lane.
Lesser Redpoll  Carduelis cabaret            
Scarce passage migrant and winter visitor.
A poor year for this species with small numbers seen on both spring and autumn migration. A wintering bird was found in the huge mixed flinch flock at Hale Lighthouse on 20/01. A few more have lingered in the second winter period, with occasional birds seen/heard around Great Boar Wood through December.
Red Crossbill Loxia curvirostra
Rare passage migrant. 3 records involving 5 birds:
Two flew north-west over Hale Park on 28/04. Female flew west over Great Boar Wood on 17/06. Two flew east over Hale Park on 09/10.              
Eurasian Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula
Scarce local resident and probable breeder.
Commonly seen around Pickerings Pasture with good sized family groups of up to 20 birds regularly encountered. A scarce bird away from Pickerings Pasture, with only occasional birds seen around the patch recording boundaries, with limited autumn passage.                   
Hawfinch Coccothraustes coccothraustes           
Rare passage migrant. 1 record of 1 bird:
A single flew north over Church Lane and appeared to land in gardens 08/10.     
Lapland Bunting Calcarius lapponicus
Rare passage migrant and winter visitor.
A single found between Hale Lighthouse on salt marsh and the big weedy field to the east of the Lighthouse on 16/01.
Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella          
Scarce passage migrant and winter visitor.
A particularly good year for this species with good numbers of wintering birds along Church Lane/Lighthouse Lane and Within Way. In the first winter period flocks around Hale Lighthouse reached a maxima of c.15 birds. The second winter period saw an increase in wintering birds along the weedy fields along Carr Lane.                              
Common Reed Bunting Emberiza schoeniclus
Common breeder, passage migrant and winter visitor.
A common breeder in all suitable habitat, of which there is plenty. Winter flocks were evident around Church Lane/Lighthouse Lane with smaller groups around Carr Lane. In the first winter period flocks peaked at roughly c.70 birds around Hale Lighthouse.
Corn Bunting Emberiza calandra
Scarce passage migrant and localised breeder.
Between 2 and 4 pairs bred at locations across the patch, with 2 newly identified locations supporting possible breeding. Only one possible migrant involved with a single along Within Way in April.

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